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About Us

S.No. Principal’s Name Period From Period To
1. Late Shri M.P.Vaidya 1941 1966
2. Late Shri J.P.Shah 1966 1974
3. Late Shri Nandlal Doshi 1974 1976
4. Shri M.H.Upadhyaya 1976 1985
5. Shri Jagdishchandra Raval 1985 1986
6. Late Shri Hiralal Parikh 1986 1991
7. Shri Kishorbhai Shah 1991 1993
8. Shri H.M.Thakkar 1993 1996
9. Smt. Hansabendave 1996 2000
10. Smt. Lataben Patel 2000 2012
11. Smt. Nilaben Maher 2012 Till

Our Aim

  1. Provide a safe & stimulating enviornment in which children feel happy & secure
  2. Encourage the emotional, personal, social, physical, creative and intellectual development of the students.
  3. Encourage positive attitudes to self and others and develop confidence and self esteem
  4. Create opportunities for play
  5. Encourage children to explore the world
  6. Provide opportunities to stimulate interest and imagination
  7. Extend the student’s abilities to communicate ideas and feelings in a variety of ways

Vision Statement

  1. Quality education, with a holistic approach , for the all round development of a child within a caring , secure environment.
  2. Gurukul Educational Institutes high standards of learning and celebrates the achievement of each child.
  3. Our school is a place of excellence where children can achieve full potential in their academic , creative, personal , physical, moral and spiritual development.
  4. Our vision is that children leave school with a set of spiritual and moral values- honesty, intefrity and good judgement.
  5. Strong self-esteem and high personal expectation .
  6. Toleranace and respect for others.
  7. Respecting views of all the stake holders.
  8. Reaching a new level of academic and moral, standard, in view of the present educational system.

Mission Statement

A school of choice is the one that recognizes the unique learning and motivational need of its students to educate all students, to become lifelong learners and productive citizens in a global society through a program of educational excellence, utilizing technology and activities involving parents and the community.

Core Values

  1. Trustwothiness
  2. Excellence
  3. Ethics and Dignity
  4. Student Focus
  5. High Standard of Discipline and code of conduct
  6. Openness and Transparency
  7. Promotion of Mutual Respect and Tolerance

2 ( D ) PTA Purpose

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